400 beds secondary care general Teaching Hospital & complex
QSD healthcare planning design team was assigned in a design and build contract along with Dorsch group for the healthcare planning & architecture of MMC campus that includes a secondary care general teaching hospital , physical therapy, educational building, helipad accessibility along with other buildings including mosque & staff accommodation campus and ancillary buildings.
The MMC is planned in two phases, with the first phase opening in 2020 and the second by 2030, having been incorporated into the first phase by means of shelled facilities. The MMC will be located at Tarek bin Zeyad camp in Sailiyah, south of Doha, in the State of Qatar.
This new facility will serve a population of up to 250,000 people, consisting of military personnel in uniform, military retirees, those working under the Ministry of Defense and first-degree family members. MMC will be a secondary care teaching hospital providing a comprehensive range of inpatient, day and outpatient services for adults and children, predominantly for families of military personnel, veterans and their families. It may also potentially provide services to the general civilian population.MMC will be the premier military hospital for all of Qatar, supported by a network of primary healthcare centers in the armed forces.
MMC will provide a full range of secondary services to its catchment population, initially including specialist services for burns care. Cancer care, neurosurgery and cardiac surgery will remain provided by Hamad Medical Corporation.The MMC will potentially expand its service range to incorporate Tertiary specialties in the future. MMC will open in around 2020 with 250 inpatient beds in operation with the remaining capacity coming on stream to meet demand growth. MMC will form the main hospital for the military health service, providing the most significant volume, scope and complexity of acute services with complementary services delivered from the other facilities. MMC will meet the majority of secondary care needs for the military population in Qatar, including projected population growth through to 2030