Creating a mixed used development with community focused approach.
Back to nature” design themes inspired by natural features.
Liveliness and cheerful surrounding building environment.
A healthy indoor environment for occupants to “live, work, shop and entertain”.
“Inside -out "environment with indoor landscaped areas for offices facing outdoor gardens and vegetated inner court.
Maximized vegetation at front and back gardens and also through building top roof garden.
Creating a shaded inner court representing the heart of the building and project main focal point.
Marketability goals regarding maximized leasable value and pricing through added design
The design challenge is how to create an efficient integrated mixed used building that incorporates the required program with various building uses (offices/residential/commercial) which accordingly requires a smart & integrated design decision meeting different users’ requirements and create a unique, significant remarkable building experience. on other hand, due to the project location in the new capital , with the capital significant architectural environment and competitive neighbor projects which add another design challenge for the building design to create an architectural icon and building landmark for public and new capital community, according to all these givens, a community focused design approach is based on “back to nature” driven design theme , creating an “urban forest” that incorporates environmental friendly design strategies, features, efficient building mass orientation with local and environment friendly materials selection , taking into consideration community design magnets through an inner walkable public outdoor shaded court , internal vegetated atrium and residents /offices accessed roof top terraces/gardens.

Project Typology
New Capital