Design concept for the new hospital extension s to create a central atrium “ Void” with continued sub-void spaces at ground floor double height entrance hall as well as the extending terraces to the 1st floor OPD lounges/ cafeterias indoor and outdoor vegetated areas, bringing sunlight and continuous vertical views to the roof gardens and horizontally to outdoor vegetated terraces, & creating as the main gathering space for both existing & new hospital activities.
The new expansion includes additional 120 beds at 4 floors with 30 single rooms /floor wards design, 21 ICU rooms with total inpatient beds capacity = 141 beds , 20 beds emergency treatment/observation cubicles, 2 emergency triage cubicles, 2 emergency resuscitation cubicles, 2 emergency trauma/plaster cubicles, 8 O.R recovery cubicles ( to replace instead in the existing building 1 additional surgical suite ), 23 OPD clinics and OPD platforms that hosts leasable /rented cafeterias with atrium cafe lounge . A new main entrance hall for visitors, OPD, staff as well as scheduled patients, providing an entry welcoming approach with a visual and physical connection to the 1st floor central atrium lounges/seating connected through 2 additional escalators & open stairs to facilitate outpatients & visitors heavy traffic to clinics and 1st floor amenities.The new design considers 6 new additional elevators to facilitate occupancies & designate different flow scenarios & uses with consideration to an outdoor vehicular drop off as well as ambulances parks to resolve traffic at the entry & exit access areas.The basement parking capacity host up to 122 cars by the use of 2 basement floors mechanical parking spaces.The Emergency department at ground flooris designed to consider 2 separate entrances ; 1st entrance for the walk-in patients while the 2nd back entrance is considered for the fast track entrance.
The roof penthouse floor also are well designed to provide a new large vast open spaces for admin offices (workstations & offices) with a panoramic view to the extended front roof garden and the roof leasable/rented cafeteria that’s accessible for all users while providing a roof top walls /running track as a healing outdoor space for patients and staff for seating/exercise, meditation & social interaction
At ground floor, a back service area is added to provide new substation areas in order to evacuate current location, providing opened ground level access for services and ambulances vehicular/pedestrian space between existing & new extension
A New Red Bronze Modern-looked Louvers Skin for existing buildings in harmony with the new architectural design facade treatments at the new building , connected through a continuous ground canopy line that's elevated above entrances & give a sharp border between ground street level ^ above floors, facade is ended with a unique landmark featured repetitive canopies for roof top seatings, healing gardens, & roof top indoor & outdoor activities ,The idea of the central atrium void is reflected in the outer building facade design either through the transparent double height glazed entrance hall or even at the 1st floor extended vegetated terraces / outdoor seating cafe area
Patient room modular unit is designed with a designapproach to improve patients accommodation environment & providing a relaxing healing environment through improving the sense of comfort, feeling home as well as interpreting the outdoor environment daylight & garden views into inside the room , by the consideration of single large sliding glazing panel (sliding inside the wall cavity ) with panel height staring from 60 cm above finish level up to bottom of slab to create a full perception to the outdoor views while improving direct sunlight inside the rooms , the sliding operable panel is improving the garden-outdoor feeling with no borders between inside & outside as controlled by users if needed.
Design & allocation of nursing stations locations at the 2 wards via patients rooms & ward entry access points to allow full monitoring, viewing & controlling of nursing staff to the patients & the circulation inside the ward
The central atrium is continued to the ground floor double height entrance hall through the escalators areas, creating a continuous extended lines of vision & expand daylight from the upper skylight at atrium & the front double height glazing facade at the entrance hall to accommodate a uxorious welcoming approach to the whole hospital with extended upper pleasant seating areas atrium & outdoor terrace